THE ART OF GIVING: Thanks for stopping by and getting involved in this great opportunity. In starting off the new year, Christine and I decided to put together a challenge blog that would not only provide you with inspiration and free goodies, but to also let you know about the many ways we can "PAY IT FORWARD" to others in our simple and GIGANTIC ways. We hope that in combining both inspiration and giving to others, we can all make this world a better place, one layout, card, and gesture at a time. Thank you for taking this journey with us.
We are so excited to introduce to you our new challenge sponsored by two fabulous organizations! Cosmo Cricket provided us with kits for a giveaway and for our DT to work with, and Jill at Memorable Seasons is providing one lucky winner with a Generous $20 Gift certificate to her online store/message board.
Here is what you could win!

OR a $20 gift certificate to Memorable Seasons, a great Scrapbooking online community and a fantastic place to shop!

This challenge is called
Spring has Sprung! We will be supporting the organization called
Boys Hope Girls Hope. This organization helps youth who are at risk and provides them with positive learning/growth opportunities who otherwise may not have the chance to do so. Here is a bit from their website. Please follow the link above to learn more.
By providing children with arms-around care, safe homes and environments, a
first-class education, opportunities to learn more about themselves and the world,
and academic, financial, and spiritual support through college, Boys Hope Girls
Hope empowers children to realize the potential that is within them.
Our challenge is simple. You may do one or both challenges. We hope that you partake in both. If so, you will even make your chances of winning greater!
Challenge #1 Make a spring themed layout for an entry into our drawing and link it back to us! Use Cosmo Cricket paper and get an extra entry!
Challenge #2...Send us packets of seeds like these :) Flowers, fruits and vegetable will bulbs please. They cost next to nothing and are inexpensive to mail...but will do a world of good for those kids at Boys Hope Girls Hope. Let them plant some goodness and watch spring blossom right in front of them! You may email us for our mailing addy.

We are so excited to get this challenge up and running so share with us your layouts, well wishes and send us those seeds.
Thanks to Cosmo Cricket and Jill at Memorable Seasons for sponsoring us. You are both incredibly generous and we love you!
Here are a few fun things that our team has created with Paper kits that Cosmo Cricket has provided for us!
Illyse's creation using Cosmo Cricket's Honey Pie paper line.

Christine's Layout using Cosmo Cricket's Fleuriste paper Line
Jenn's Creations using Cosmo Cricket's Girl Friday paper line.
This contest will run From today Sunday April 19 til Sat. May 9nd. Winner's will be announced on May 10th. Thanks and have fun with it!
If you want a heads up for our next challenge, start saving up the tabs off of your soda cans. Yes it is true,they are actually worth something to start saving up now!!!
by scrappygal
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A very big thanks to all of our friends who have displayed our new Blog Blinkie! If you haven't put it on your blog yet,it isn't too late! Go check it out and snatch it up for your blogs now!
The winners for our "it's just that easy" contest are.... Liz, Tracy and Heidi. Thanks ladies and Congrats! Make sure tho passs the word on. The more followers and more hits that we have, the better! We appreciate all our followers support!
Now you winners please email us your mailing info so that I can get those goodies out!
by scrappygal
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This one is an easy one ladies and gentleman. We have a new blinkie. Thanks to a special friend! Thank you Leah! We are so busy planning for our crop tomorrow for Autism Speaks that we thought that we would make it easy on us and easy on you too! So here's what ya gotta do ;0).
See that cool little blinkie up in the right hand corner of our page? Yes that one..just right click on it and grab that code. Add it to your blog (even if you have already linked us..put this one is prettier) and let us know that you have linked us up! Yep..that is it. So this is what 3 lucky winners will get their hands on...
Who doesn't love Thickers? So what are you waiting for. A set of Thickers and a We R Memory Keepers Lanyard..could be yours. Thanks friends!
In the mean time. Our next challenge will start on April 19th. Start collecting packets of Vegetable, Fruit or Flower seeds and make a layout with Cosmo Cricket papers..more details to come!
by scrappygal
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