THE ART OF GIVING: Thanks for stopping by and getting involved in this great opportunity. In starting off the new year, Christine and I decided to put together a challenge blog that would not only provide you with inspiration and free goodies, but to also let you know about the many ways we can "PAY IT FORWARD" to others in our simple and GIGANTIC ways. We hope that in combining both inspiration and giving to others, we can all make this world a better place, one layout, card, and gesture at a time. Thank you for taking this journey with us.
I would suspect that most of us scrappers on here are moms or have hopes of becoming a mom in the future. If not, I would say that it is safe to assume if you don't fit the previous two, you have/had a mother in your life that supported and loved you while growing up. For the most part we as mothers will do whatever it takes to provide for our children. They are beyond precious to us and we celebrate them daily. We are so fortunate to have them in our lives. Children bring us inexplicable joy. Sometimes it's that "thing" they they say, or the faces they make,the gestures, wet kisses and big hugs. They give us memories that will be forever etched in our brains. To be able to provide for them is a blessing that is probably easily forgotten by us at times.
Now imagine a mother not being able to provide the most basic needs for her child. Imagine not having enough food to nourish her children. Imagine those hungry little tummies rumbling, those tears streaming down a child's face and a mother on the other end feeling hopeless and desperate because she cannot soothe the hunger pangs of her child. When we see our children skin their knees, or crash on their bikes, we wince,but really it is over quickly and we move on. Mothers watching their malnourished children suffer, can't simply move on.
A lot of us want to help those less fortunate than ourselves and do when we can,but we cannot always financially pull it off. Well the good news is, that we can help those that are hungry and we don't need deep pockets to do so. Did you know that there is a website called The Hunger Site? Yes it's true! The Hunger site feeds children and their families for just a click of the mouse. It is COMPLETELY FREE! When you click, they display ads from their site sponsors. 100% of the money from these advertisers goes to their charity partners , who fund programs to provide food to the hungry. It is that easy and the best part is, you can do it EVERY DAY!
So now here are the challenges
1. Bookmark the hunger site on your computer and click to feed the hungry EVERY DAY!
2. Do the scrappy challenge....this one is easy too. Create a layout of your kid/s doing something that makes your heart swell. One other thing..somewhere on the layout, there must be glitter ;0)
Why glitter you ask? well that is simple. This time around our challenge is sponsored by none other then, "The Robin's Nest" who just so happen to make a whole ton of glittery papers. Both Illyse and I used some of their paper and Dew Drops on our layouts to show off their product. Don't you want some too?
Here are our layouts:
Christine's Layout

Illyse's Layout

So now, to win this sparkly prize, list two things in your post to us...
1. Link your layout, so that we can check it out
2. Let us know that you visited the Hunger Site and clicked away!
It is that easy!
A winner will be randomly chosen. This challenge will run from today Monday, February 15 until Monday, March 1st. A winner will be announced on March 2nd. Okay go at it and let's Scrap it Forward!!!
by scrappygal
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So was your Valenitne's day? Did you celebrate with family or friends? We hope it was special. We had a huge day in our house. It started off with Heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, we went for a family bike ride, walk, attended a birthday party, went out to dinner with friends and all of our kids combined! Later came back to our pad for ice cream sundaes. YIkes a busy day,but a lot of fun!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, loves and day's plans with us! We enjoyed reading all about them. And now for time to revel our winner! OUr randomm winner is...
Donna Larson said...
I have three loves at home... my husband and my two cute kiddos! I also love my family and my friends! All of these people help to make life sweet!
Tonight I am making a Louisiana Crab Boil with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Congrats Donna and thanks for playing along with us! Please contact us and seed us your mailing info!!!
Please remember to check back tonight for our new challange sponsored by: The Robin's Nest!!!
by scrappygal
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Happy Valentine's day friends and readers of SIF! We just wanted to let you know how much that we appreciate you! Today we have a sweet deal for one lucky reader :0)
Tell us what you love, who you love or how you will celebrate today. Today is not just a day for significant others,but friends and family as well. We want to hear all about share your thoughts and leave us a "love note". One lucky reader will recieve this fun little RAK!
Who doesn't want a new Slice Apron from CHA, a Zva Creative tote, some Bam Pop chipboard, a spool of American Crafts ribbon and some Jenni Bowlin label stickers?

So now leave us a little love and tomorrow we will select one winner! Happy Valentine's day
by scrappygal
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Well thanks to all those who participated in the challenge! We appreciate you reaching out and also partaking in the fun! We have two winners to announce!
The two lucky winners were randomly selected today! The winners of the fun stamps, transperancies and Kaiser kraft pearls are.....
Cheryl Kosakura and Sara (of Hunzinger's Helper)! Ladies thanks again and please contact us with your mailing info!
Now if you are actually reading still, you should know that tomorrow is Valentine's day and I am just saying that you might want to come back and check out the blog for some kind of a sweet deal! Yes there will be a strings attached. So come back tomorrow and leave a comment on tomorrow's post for a chance to win!
by scrappygal
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