THE ART OF GIVING: Thanks for stopping by and getting involved in this great opportunity. In starting off the new year, Christine and I decided to put together a challenge blog that would not only provide you with inspiration and free goodies, but to also let you know about the many ways we can "PAY IT FORWARD" to others in our simple and GIGANTIC ways. We hope that in combining both inspiration and giving to others, we can all make this world a better place, one layout, card, and gesture at a time. Thank you for taking this journey with us.
These days we can't turn on the television or listen to the radio without hearing about the horrible devastation that the earthquake/tsunami created in Japan on March 11th 2011. Not only has this natural disaster created intense destruction,destroyed many lives, displaced many people, separated familes and created a sense of desperation in many,but it has left many people without basic essentials.
Many of us have offered our prayers, offered monetary donations or given in other ways. We at Scrap it Forward have discovered yet another way to to help. It is a way for us to reach out and put a human touch on the other end of the donation and let the people of Japan know that we are thinking of them. We came across an organization called Socks For Japan. This organization basically gives us the know how to send a pair or many pairs of socks to those displaced and missing the basic essentials needed. Imagine how a pair or a few pairs of socks could be so comforting to someone who has been wearing the same pair for a week or maybe more.
Our challenge this time is simple. Make a card for someone in Japan. Inside attach a short and simple typed note in English and then go to Google translate and translate your message below in traditional Japanese below it. Send that card with a pair or two of socks included (make sure that the socks are the same type/size). Please write on the outside of your package what type of socks they are (ex: womens size 6-9, boys size 2-5). You may put more than one pair in a mailing envelope,but only put one type/size sock in the envelope. This will help them organize quicker. Please put both the card (no envelope) and socks in a ziplock bag within the envelope and send it here:
Jason Kelly
Plaza Kei 101
Wakamatsu-cho 615-6
Sano, Tochigi 327-0846
Write “Urgent: Relief Supplies” boldly on the package
If you have any more questions please refer to the website www.
***In your post please link us to a picture of your card and socks that will be sent :0).
Our challenge is partially sponsored by Tattered Angels. Thank you so very much for your yummy Glimmer Mist. One lucky winner will receive a prize package filled with some great goodies to make some new cards for whomever they'd like!
Here are some samples of our cards:
Christine's card and socks ;0)

Illyse's card and cute socks not pictured...bust super girly and cute!
P.S. Don't forget those..boys. I just read on their facebook page that they are short on boy socks!
This challenge will run from today, Friday, March 25th through Friday April 8th. A winner will be announced on the 9th. And here is the fantastic prize for one lucky challenger! Will it be you? Let's help out others in an urgent and desperate time. Even if you don't win here you can know that you soothed someone and warmed their tootsies.
(((BIG HUGS)))
by scrappygal
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Dear SIF blog readers :0(,
I have been trying all day to successfully put up our new post with our pics for the new challenge and we are experiencing techinical difficulties. ;o( Please come back later to see our new challenge. Hopefully it will be posted up later tonight...sigh. Let's put our hands together and hope that blogger will help us out soon! :0)
by scrappygal
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Hello dear scrappy friends in blogland. Oh my goodness! What a fantastic bunch of layouts we received from all of you! It was so exciting to see so many wonderful entries and so much enthusiasm on your part. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! We feel so Lucky ourselves to have all of you participating! Fantastic entries...and fantastic people. :0)
And now without futher adieu.... the winners of our Feeling Lucky challenge are:
Not sorry tracy, I was unable to "lift it" from your blog. ;0(
But you can see it **here**
Congrats Ladies! Please contact us via our email and we will send out your kits!
And scrappers/paper crafters be on the lookout for a new challenge up this Friday with a FABULOUS PRIZE!!!!!!
by scrappygal
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*Scroll down to see the winner of our previous challenge!
So March, the month of St. Patty's day; are you feeling the Luck of the Irish? How many of you realize how lucky you really are? How many of you count your blessings every day? Well if you do, then you already realize how "lucky" you really are!
This challenge is all about counting your blessings. Scrapping something that reflects your gratefulness about something or someone in your life that really makes you look back and say.."wow, I am so LUCKY". Here are the rules: You must use green as the main color in your layout and you MUST use the word "LUCKY" in your title. Link your layout in your comment so the readers and the rest of us here at Scrap it Forward can come check it out.
Now Here is the BEST PART! BEST CREATION has sponsored us for this challenge and.... they were kind enough to give us, not one, not two, but THREE of these layout kits (minus my kids cute pics, the title, crystal button and tag). We are so grateful to them. When we asked them to sponsor us with a kit they said "oh, one...TAKE 3"! Thank you for your generosity Best Creation! WE LOVE YOU and ALL YOUR YUMMY PAPER. Sif readers be sure to visit their website and check out all the wonderful work that their DT has will be AMAZED!
Here is the sample of my layout! You can use the same kit for your St. Patty's Day pics or however you please!
Three winners will be chosen at random! This challenge will run from today, Saturday, March 5 through Tuesday March 22th. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, March 23rd.
So come and join in on the fun! Try your "luck" !
Congrats to Stephanie who is the winner of our previous challenge...congrats..please contact us!
by scrappygal
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