THE ART OF GIVING: Thanks for stopping by and getting involved in this great opportunity. In starting off the new year, Christine and I decided to put together a challenge blog that would not only provide you with inspiration and free goodies, but to also let you know about the many ways we can "PAY IT FORWARD" to others in our simple and GIGANTIC ways. We hope that in combining both inspiration and giving to others, we can all make this world a better place, one layout, card, and gesture at a time. Thank you for taking this journey with us.

Candy..who loves the sweets...want some?  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hey Scrap it Forward readers it is that time again. Time to Spread the love and bring some new readers/followers our way.  So that means we are asking you, our faithful readers and maybe even some of our newbies to spread the word!

We've got some yummy blog candy to share with someone who really wants it. We mean really wants it ;0) We want you to earn this blog candy!  But actually it isn't that difficult to do so.... to earn that chance to win all you have to do is....

1. Put our Blinkie on your blog and let us know in your post that you have done so.... (link us up so we can come visit your blog and check it out)

and for an additional chance to win....

2. Write all about our Blog Candy in a post on your blog and encourage your friends to do the same. Please include in your post that you have done this and leave a link to your blog so that we can check out your post :0)

and....if you want another chance to win....

3. Post about this blog candy on any message board or Face book and let us know. Also include the details of any MB or FB post in your post.

This Blog Candy Challenge will run from today Feb. 22 - March 8.  So have fun with it and pass it on!
And Finally Here's a pic of the goods!

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